
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Optimal design and static load testing of tow-steered aircraft fuselage frames

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Session: Poster pitches day 3
Room: Theatre room: plenary
Session start: 10:00 Wed 28 Jun 2023

Hitoshi Arizono
Affifliation: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Yuichiro Aoki
Affifliation: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Sunao Sugimoto
Affifliation: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Ryosuke Yoshimura
Affifliation: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd

Yuji Ikeda
Affifliation: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd

Daisuke Nishida
Affifliation: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd

Hiroharu Suzuki
Affifliation: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd

Topics: - Advanced materials and innovative structural concepts (Genral Topics)


Weight reduction is required as one of the measures to improve the fuel consumption rate of newly developed airframes but securing the strength of high-stress areas is an issue. One of the objectives of this research is to establish a design method that secures strength by a new method that achieves fiber orientation optimization and part thickness distribution optimization at the same time. In addition, as another purpose, it is shown that it is possible to reduce the manufacturing cost through the experience of full-scale structure manufacturing for Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) manufacturing, which is expected as a manufacturing method suitable for this design method. Regarding fiber orientation optimization, tow steering (curved tow) along the load flow using AFP improves strength and makes it possible to reduce weight. Regarding the optimization of sheet thickness distribution, in conventional manual layup, frequent use of part thickness variations leads to an increase in manufacturing costs (fabrication time), but by utilizing AFP, the fabrication time can be shortened and fine variations in part thickness can be provided. This makes it possible to reduce the weight of the structure. The fuselage frame around the emergency escape door of single-aisle aircraft was selected as a part where cost reduction effect by AFP manufacturing and weight reduction by application of optimization design method are expected. We examined and applied the optimization design method to the target part and confirmed its effectiveness by comparing it with the conventional design method. A test concept for evaluating the effect of the optimization design method on the actual structure was studied, and the basic design of the test article and the layup mandrel necessary for the fabrication of the test article was carried out. A test article is currently being manufactured, and the test is scheduled to be conducted in January next year.