
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Fracture mechanics-based approach for anomaly size acceptability of additively manufactured metals

Go-down icaf2023 Tracking Number 133

Session: Session 7: Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methodsĀ  III
Room: Theatre room: plenary
Session start: 13:30 Tue 27 Jun 2023

Simone Romano
Affifliation: GE Avio

Andrew Perry
Affifliation: GE Aerospace

Francesco Sausto
Affifliation: GE Avio

Apostolos Karafillis
Affifliation: GE Aerospace

Topics: - Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methods (Genral Topics)


The traditional approach for quantifying material capability generally assumes that material properties in components are fully represented by test bar results. However, this assumption might not always be true for complex additively manufactured components, which may contain anomaly populations different than those expected based on relatively simple-geometry mechanical test coupons. In this work, we present a possible fracture mechanics-based approach for definition of anomaly size acceptability limits for AM materials, to augment the traditional building block of fatigue test-based material capability assessments. The fracture mechanics analysis is validated against fractography observations of tested bars and with fatigue tests on bars containing artificially notched coupons.