
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Will the metaverse transcend the status quo?: Challenges to overcome for relying on multiphysics smarter testing and simulation in aerospace

Go-down icaf2023 Tracking Number 141

Session: Session 9: Airworthiness considerations I
Room: Theatre room: plenary
Session start: 16:20 Tue 27 Jun 2023

Linden Harris
Affifliation: Airbus uk

Topics: - Airworthiness considerations (Genral Topics), - Full-scale fatigue testing of aircraft and aircraft structural components (Genral Topics), - NDI, inspections and maintenance (Genral Topics), - Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methods (Genral Topics), - Probabilistic modelling and risk analysis (Genral Topics), - Digital twins (Genral Topics)


Smarter testing and simulation of aerospace structures can allow development lead-time and costs to be decreased when compared to the current methods, which rely almost solely on physical testing. By combining outputs from computer simulations with physical approaches, an optimised process of hybrid testing, based on the concept of a digital twin, can be applied throughout the lifecycle of a product from development to certification. But now our challenge is to integrate cryogenic LH2 fuel storage and distribution systems into our airframes which will require our thinking to transcend into a multiphysics world, with a high level of credibility.