
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Experimental study on the effect of different fatigue loading method on the property of metal cantilever beam

Go-down icaf2023 Tracking Number 26

Session: Poster pitches day 2
Room: Theatre room: plenary
Session start: 10:00 Tue 27 Jun 2023

Wei Cui

Dingni He

Jianjian Yu

Yunfei Liao

Topics: - Full-scale fatigue testing of aircraft and aircraft structural components (Genral Topics)


In order to investigate the influence of different fatigue loading methods on the property of metal cantilever, the resonant fatigue testing system and the corresponding conventional fatigue testing system were designed respectively based on the electromagnetic vibration table, and the bending fatigue tests were conducted on LY12CZ aluminum alloy cantilever beam specimens. A special progressive analysis based on damage equivalence was used to obtain S-N curves under resonance environment in the range of 1×105-1×107 cycles. The results show that the fatigue limit of LY12CZ aluminum alloy under bending resonance environment is 74.6MPa and the fatigue limit under conventional condition is 76.2MPa at 1×107cycles. When the number of cycles is less than 5×106, the bending resonant fatigue property of LY12CZ aluminum alloy is significantly different from the conventional fatigue property, while in the range of 5×106-1×107cycles, there is little difference between the two properties.