Probability of detection of automated tap testing for disbond detection in metallic honeycomb structures![]() Presentation: Session: NDI, inspections and maintenance Room: Theatre room: plenary Session start: 16:00 Tue 27 Jun 2023 Marc Genest Affifliation: National Research Council Canada Shashank Pant Affifliation: National Research Council Canada Muzibur Khan Affifliation: National Research Council Canada Catalin Mandache Affifliation: National Research Council Canada Dmitrii Klishch Affifliation: National Research Council Canada Topics: - NDI, inspections and maintenance (Genral Topics) Abstract: This paper investigate the reliability of automated tap testing for honeycomb composite panels representative of those found in helicopter structures. A Probability of Detection (PoD) study was carried out for detecting disbond on honeycomb panels using manual and automated tap testing techniques. A process was developed to generate controlled disbond size in the honeycomb panels. The process was confirmed via ultrasonic testing and micro computed tomography inspection. A reference panel was manufactured as well as eight test panels containing a total of 70 different damage sites that included dents, disbonds, as well as combined dent and disbond were inspected by 11 inspectors using both manual and automated tap testing techniques. Overall, the a90/95 value decreased by 0.6 inch equivalent diameter using the automated tap test as compared to manual tap testing (from 1.70 to 1.10 inches). Furthermore, the automated tap testing led reduction in false calls, up to 3 time less. |