
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Rigid loading accelerates full-scale aircraft fatigue test

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Session: Session 19: Full-scale fatigue testing II
Room: Theatre room: plenary
Session start: 15:40 Thu 29 Jun 2023

Jianjun Zheng
Affifliation: Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China

Mengmeng Wang Wang
Affifliation: Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China

Lei Zhang Zhang
Affifliation: Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China

Wei Zhang Zhang
Affifliation: Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China

Topics: - Full-scale fatigue testing of aircraft and aircraft structural components (Genral Topics)


The fatigue test of full-scale aircraft structures is a time-consuming and laborious long-term work, the purpose of which is mainly to verify whether the aircraft structure meets the requirements of WFD, to verify the fatigue characteristics of the airframe structure, and to provide a test basis for the development of structural damage detection methods and repair plans. It is the eternal goal of the test team to improve the fatigue test efficiency under the premise of ensuring test safety and loading accuracy. In this paper, we summarize the technical advances of using tension pad-lever system in full-scale aircraft structural fatigue test, and integrate these technologies into C919 full-scale aircraft structural fatigue test and C919 aircraft vertical tail/rear fuselage full-scale static, fatigue and damage tolerance test. The application verification shows that the rigid loading system runs normally, is stable and reliable in long-term use, has good control accuracy, and the test efficiency is significantly improved compared with previous. The successful application of these technologies provides an important reference and support for subsequent fatigue tests of other aircrafts.