
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Day 1: Mon 26 June, 2023

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07:30   Registration
08:30   Welcome & Introduction National Delegates
Chair: Marcel Bos
09:00   Plantema Lecture by Claudio Dalle Donne
Chair: Marcel Bos
09:40   Plantema award ceremony
Chair: Marcel Bos
09:50   Poster pitches day 1
Chair: Marcel Bos

13 presentations, click to view all
10:10   Break
10:40   Topical National Review by David Hallam & Xiasheng Sun
11:10   Session 1: Digital engineering I
Chair: Min Liao
12:10   Lunch
13:10   Topical National Review by Carlos Chaves & Antoni Niepokolczycki
13:40   Session 2: Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methodsĀ  I
Chair: Elke Hombergsmeier
15:00   Break
15:30   Session 3: Fatigue life enhancement methods and repair solutions I
Chair: Ben Main
16:50   Voting best poster of the day - Adjourn
Chair: Rene Alderliesten
17:00   ICAF business meeting
Chair: Marcel Bos
 For National Delegates only