
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Day 5: Fri 30 June, 2023

Program ICAF2013 Summer School Day2

Location: TU Delft; Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft

Time   Speaker
09:00 Load measurements Marcel Bos (NLR, NL)
10:00 Coffee break  
10:30 Fractography Simon Barter (RMIT, Austr)
12:30 Lunch break  
13:30 Case study: Wing leading edge spigot at the Hunter MK58/68 aircraft Michel Guillaume (ZHAW, SW)
15:00 Coffee break  
15:30 NDE/I for structural integrity Eric Lindgren (AFRL, USA)
16:30 Future airworthiness considerations and certification strategies John-Alan Pascoe (TUD, NL)
17:00 End of the Summer School  

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