
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Day 4: Thu 29 June, 2023

Parallel program ICAF2023 Summer School Day 1

Reflecting on the physics of fatigue and the physics of damage tolerance

Location: De Veste Theatre 
09:00 Welcome & General Introduction René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
09:10 Introduction to Fatigue & Damage Tolerance in Aeronautics René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
10:20 Coffee break  
10:50 Fatigue life and crack growth prediction for metals and fibre laminates René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
11:40 Reflection on the pysics of fatigue and the pysics of damage tolerance René Alderliesten (TUD, NL)
12:20 Lunch break  
13:20 Analysis and prediction of fatigue fracture in adhesives and composites John-Alan Pascoe (TUD, NL)
15:10 Coffee break  
15:40 Progress in composites interlaminar fatigue fracture analysis John-Alan Pascoe (TUD, NL)
16:15 Role of Engineering stresses in fatigue Daniele Fanteria (Univesita di Pisa)
17:30 End of day  
               19:00 Barbecue at TU Delft sport centre X

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08:30   Topical National Review by Yuval Freed & Eric Lindgren
09:00   Session 16; Digital engineering III
Chair: David Hallam
10:00   Pitches 3 best posters, voting and award ceremony
Chair: Marcel Bos
10:20   Break
10:50   Topical National Review by Min Liao & Michel Guillaume
11:20   Session 17: Probabilistic modelling and risk analysis 
Chair: Michael Gorelik
12:20   Lunch
13:20   Topical National Review by Ben Main & Michael Gorelik
13:50   Session 18: Airworthiness considerations II
Chair: Laurent Touzet
15:10   Break
15:40   Session 19: Full-scale fatigue testing II
Chair: Zlatan Kapidzic
17:00   Closure
Chair: Rene Alderliesten and Marcel Bos
19:00   Summer School BBQ at TUDelft Sport Center X