
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Day 2: Tue 28 June, 2023

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Theatre room: plenary Theatre café: parallel
08:30   Topical National Review by Tomi Viitanen & Thierry Ansart
09:00   Session 4: Life extension and management of ageing fleets 
Chair: Daniele Fanteria
20 mins
System-search The inherent need for holistic structural integrity application and progress
Kimberli Jones, Bradley Kuramoto, Bryce Harris, David Hoeppner
20 mins
System-search Towards deriving loads spectra representing operational life: Equivalent flight profile versus single flight profiles
Juliana Diniz Mattos, Mariano Arbelo, Frank Machado
20 mins
System-search On the development of statistical knock-down factors for WFD assessment
Wagner Rissardo, Carlos Chaves
10:00   Poster pitches day 2
Chair: Marcel Bos

13 presentations, click to view all
10:20   Break
10:50   Session 5: Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methods  II
Chair: Antoni Niepokólczycki
20 mins
System-search Utilizing condemnations, retirements and mods to improve the structural risk analysis of the T-38: turning trash into treasure
Marcus Stanfield, Laura Hunt, Isaac Grothe
20 mins
System-search The lead crack concept history 30 years on
Loris Molent, Simon Barter, Russell Wanhill
20 mins
System-search Fatigue performance and DADT certification of powder-bed additively-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: defect assessments, EIDS distributions, and inspection limits
Matthew Krug, Reji John, Sushant Jha, Patrick Golden
20 mins
System-search Can we predict fatigue crack growth without the help of Paris?
René Alderliesten, Jesse van Kuijk
20 mins
System-search Multiaxial crack growth prediction
Bemin Sheen
10:50   Session 6: Structural health / loads monitoring 
Chair: Thierry Ansart
20 mins
System-search Optimization of selecting strain measurement locations for distributed load recovery from strain measurements
Hongna Dui, Dongliang Liu, Lixin Zhang
20 mins
System-search The development of national MRO capability for a basic trainer aircraft: flight and ground tests
Tuomas Korteniemi, Jouni Pirtola, Antero Miettinen, Sauli Liukkonen, Aslak Siljander, Olli Orell, Jarno Jokinen, Mikko Kanerva
20 mins
System-search Study on the clustering method of flights and life prediction for Individual Aircraft Tracking(IAT)
Yanjun Zhang
20 mins
System-search Approach to structure monitoring of the Mi-24 helicopter
Krzysztof Dragan, Michal Dziendzikowski, Artur Kurnyta, Piotr Synaszko, Marcin Kurdelski
20 mins
System-search VIBFAT – Vibration-Induced Fatigue life estimation of the Vertical Tail of the F/A-18 aircraft using virtual sensing
Vesa Nieminen, Tomi Viitanen, Keijo Koski, Risto Laakso, Mikko Savolainen
12:30   Lunch
13:30   Session 7: Fatigue crack growth and life prediction methods  III
Chair: Carlos E. Chaves
20 mins
System-search Fracture mechanics-based approach for anomaly size acceptability of additively manufactured metals
Simone Romano, Andrew Perry, Francesco Sausto, Apostolos Karafillis
20 mins
System-search Fatigue crack growth on several materials under single-spike overloads and aircraft spectra
James Newman, Kevin Walker
20 mins
System-search Effects of the secondary aging heat treatment T6I4 on fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth resistance of AA7050 alloy
Carlos Antonio Baptista, Ana Marcia Antunes, Luis Rogério de Oliveira Hein, Samara Cristiny de Paula, Gabriel Cotrim de Cesare Peinado
20 mins
System-search Low-cycle fatigue property and life prediction model of TC18 titanium alloy material
Shaopu Su, Binwen Wang, Xianmin Chen, Lei Li, Dengke Dong
20 mins
System-search Measuring small fatigue crack growth with the aid of marker bands in recrystallized annealed TI6AL4V
Ingrid Kongshavn, Simon Barter, Larissa Sorensen
13:30   Session 8: NDI, inspections and maintenance 
Chair: Eric Lindgren
20 mins
System-search NASA NDE fracture critical detectable flaw sizes history and methodology
Peter Parker, William Prosser, Ajay Koshti, David Forsyth, Michael Suits, James Walker
20 mins
System-search Aviation-based nondestructive evaluation data analytics
Eric Lindgren
20 mins
System-search A new approach to accidental damage on aircraft metallic structure
Sébastien Amiable, Ben Ogborne, Alain Santgerma
20 mins
System-search Probability of detection of automated tap testing for disbond detection in metallic honeycomb structures
Marc Genest, Shashank Pant, Muzibur Khan, Catalin Mandache, Dmitrii Klishch
20 mins
System-search A new method for defects detection in CFRP composites using wavelet analysis and non-contact lamb waves propagation
Lea Lecointre, Ryo Higuchi, Tomohiro Yokozeki, Masakatsu Mita, Shota Tonegawa, Naoki Hosoya, Shin-ichi Takeda
15:10   Break
15:40   Schijve Award session
Chair: Marcel Bos
16:00   Presentation winner Jaap Schijve award
Chair: Marcel Bos
16:20   Session 9: Airworthiness considerations I
Chair: Marcel Bos
20 mins
System-search Compression after impact fatigue damage growth in CFRP - What does no-growth really mean?
Davide Biagini, John-Alan Pascoe, René C. Alderliesten
20 mins
System-search How the holistic approach for GLARE development still brings benefits
Rik-Jan Lemmen, Derk Daverschot, Paul Mattheij, Thomas Beumler
20 mins
System-search Will the metaverse transcend the status quo?: Challenges to overcome for relying on multiphysics smarter testing and simulation in aerospace
Linden Harris
17:20   Voting best poster of the day - Adjourn
18:00   Conference dinner in the New Church on the big market square of Delft Walking from 1800. Dinner starts at 18.30