
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Authors Index

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Author Manuscripts
Pietro Aceti
Politecnico di Milano
140 Meso-scale models to analyse the interactions of damage modes in composites laminates
Oluwamayokun B. Adetoro
138 Opmimization of hybrid composite-metal joints
Alessandro Airoldi
Politecnico di Milano
140 Meso-scale models to analyse the interactions of damage modes in composites laminates
Rene Alderliesten
Delft University of Technology
142 On the mechanism of cyclic crack propagation in AA2024 T3 alloy.
René Alderliesten
Aerospace Structures and Materials, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft
36 Towards understanding residual strength and damage evolution in damaged composite laminates
22 Experimental investigation of planar delamination behavior of composite laminates under out-of –plane loading
148 Combined mechanical and environmental ageing of FRPs - Hygrothermal fatigue case study
René C. Alderliesten
51 Compression after impact fatigue damage growth in CFRP - What does no-growth really mean?
Sébastien Amiable
52 A new approach to accidental damage on aircraft metallic structure
Dallen Andrew
Hill Engineering
56 The A-10 Warthog damage tolerance and residual stresses in transition
29 The engineered residual stress implementation (ERSI) working group
28 The integrated maintenance system (IMx+)
Ana Marcia Antunes
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
78 Effects of the secondary aging heat treatment T6I4 on fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth resistance of AA7050 alloy
Yuichiro Aoki
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
130 Optimal design and static load testing of tow-steered aircraft fuselage frames
Takahira Aoki
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, The University of Tokyo
21 A numerical scheme for fatigue simulation of laminated composites using CZM-XFEM
Mariano Arbelo
ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
146 Crack growth analysis of fiber metal laminates stiffened panels
75 Towards deriving loads spectra representing operational life: Equivalent flight profile versus single flight profiles
Hitoshi Arizono
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
130 Optimal design and static load testing of tow-steered aircraft fuselage frames
Moriah Ausherman
136 Evaluation of cold spray for aircraft repair

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