ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
Author Index
Authors Index
Risto Laakso
VTT, Helsinki
95 VIBFAT – Vibration-Induced Fatigue life estimation of the Vertical Tail of the F/A-18 aircraft using virtual sensing
90 QF marker research
50 Fatigue and damage tolerance testing of Grippen e/f rudder
Tim Labik
Drexel University
107 Bonded repair size limit studies of representation composite wing panel
Jeremy Laliberte
Carleton University
126 Virtual testing of low-velocity impact response of a composite laminate – from analytical to high-fidelity modeling
57 Investigation of the tensile/compressive residual stresses in AISI 4340 steel under low-cycle fatigue loading
Patrick Langlois
Bell Helicopter
120 Bell 525 Vertical Fin / Aft Fuselage and Tailboom Composite/Metallic Hybrid Certification Fatigue Testing
Lea Lecointre
The University of Tokyo
77 A new method for defects detection in CFRP composites using wavelet analysis and non-contact lamb waves propagation
Yi-Der Lee
Southwest Research Institute
37 Past, present, and future stress intensity factor solutions for crack at holes
Kyu Jin Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
46 Robotic-based laser ultrasonic non-destructive testing of 3D-printed continuous fiber reinforced flight control surface
Jung-Ryul Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
81 A mobile robotic non-destructive inspection system based on ultrasonic propagation and optical images
47 Development of AI to diagnose depth direction defect in continuous fiber 3D printed CFRP composite based on laser ultrasonic testing
Kyu-Jin Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
47 Development of AI to diagnose depth direction defect in continuous fiber 3D printed CFRP composite based on laser ultrasonic testing
Jung Ryul Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
46 Robotic-based laser ultrasonic non-destructive testing of 3D-printed continuous fiber reinforced flight control surface
Rik-Jan Lemmen
Airbus Operations GmbH
42 How the holistic approach for GLARE development still brings benefits
Oleg Levinski
Defence Science and Technology Group
116 A prognostics and health management approach for aircraft control surface free-play
Lei Li
Aircraft Atrength Research Institute
86 Low-cycle fatigue property and life prediction model of TC18 titanium alloy material
Lucy Li
National Research Council Canada
126 Virtual testing of low-velocity impact response of a composite laminate – from analytical to high-fidelity modeling
Siqi Li
Carleton University
10 Fatigue life prediction of metallic materials using the Tanaka-Mura-Wu model
Yunfei Liao
26 Experimental study on the effect of different fatigue loading method on the property of metal cantilever beam
Min Liao
16 Review of aircraft landing gear tests as part of structural testing
24 Development and demonstration of damage tolerance airframe digital twin methods and tools
25 Probabilistic lifing of a second oversize hole modification
121 Practical application of structural risk assessment with SMART|DT
Milton Sergio Lima
Photonics Division, Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv/DCTA)
72 Numerical and experimental analyses of the stress field ahead of fatigue cracks in laser-treated AA2198-T851 alloy
Jianhong Lin
Aircraft Strength Research Institute (ASRI), Chinese Aeronautical Establishment
18 Considerations to reduce the uncertainties of fatigue failures in large aircraft structures
John Lin
Boeing Company
107 Bonded repair size limit studies of representation composite wing panel
Jan Erik Lindbäck
Saab AB
50 Fatigue and damage tolerance testing of Grippen e/f rudder
Eric Lindgren
US Air Force Research Laboratory
67 Aviation-based nondestructive evaluation data analytics
Luiz Lise
ar engineers
31 Stacking sequence effect on the fatigue behavior of single lap shear bonded joints
Rong Liu
Carleton University
10 Fatigue life prediction of metallic materials using the Tanaka-Mura-Wu model
Dongliang Liu
3 Optimization of selecting strain measurement locations for distributed load recovery from strain measurements
Xiaodong Liu
80 Research on structural damage identification methods for aircraft full scale fatigue test
Sauli Liukkonen
Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
48 The development of national MRO capability for a basic trainer aircraft: flight and ground tests
Alex Lukatsky
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
Tim Luplow
TU Braunschweig - Institute of Aircraft Design and Lightweight Structures (IFL)
71 Influence of the layer thickness on the very high cycle fatigue behaviour of composite materials