
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Authors Index

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Author Manuscripts
Michael J. Candon
RMIT University
116 A prognostics and health management approach for aircraft control surface free-play
Joseph Cardinal
Southwest Research Institute
37 Past, present, and future stress intensity factor solutions for crack at holes
Cauê Carvalho
Engineering School of Lorena, University of São Paulo (EEL/USP)
72 Numerical and experimental analyses of the stress field ahead of fatigue cracks in laser-treated AA2198-T851 alloy
Reewanshu Chadha
Federal Aviation Administration
107 Bonded repair size limit studies of representation composite wing panel
Carlos Chaves
Embraer S.A.
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
101 Characterization of MSD in emerging metallic structures in fuselage lap joints
115 On the development of statistical knock-down factors for WFD assessment
Xianmin Chen
Aircraft Atrength Research Institute
86 Low-cycle fatigue property and life prediction model of TC18 titanium alloy material
Andrew Clark
USAF 417 SCMS/GUEA, Landing Gear Systems
110 Tools and methods for landing gear fatigue analysis with surface treatment effects
Paul Clark
Southwest Research Institute
134 A-10 implementing prognostics with the digital thread
Stephen Clay
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
Alain Colle
Bell Helicopter
120 Bell 525 Vertical Fin / Aft Fuselage and Tailboom Composite/Metallic Hybrid Certification Fatigue Testing
Gabriel Cotrim de Cesare Peinado
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
78 Effects of the secondary aging heat treatment T6I4 on fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth resistance of AA7050 alloy
Nathan Crosby
Principal Engineer
11 Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis using adaptive multiple importance sampling
Wei Cui
26 Experimental study on the effect of different fatigue loading method on the property of metal cantilever beam
Haichao Cui
62 Study on fatigue and crack propagation of titanium alloy laminated structure
Lujun Cui
138 Opmimization of hybrid composite-metal joints

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