
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Author Manuscripts
Mikko Kanerva
Tampere University
48 The development of national MRO capability for a basic trainer aircraft: flight and ground tests
Zlatan Kapidzic
Saab AB
50 Fatigue and damage tolerance testing of Grippen e/f rudder
Apostolos Karafillis
GE Aerospace
133 Fracture mechanics-based approach for anomaly size acceptability of additively manufactured metals
Akiko Kasami
112 Fatigue fracture mechanics of selective laser PBF titanium alloy
Nikolai Kashaev
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
122 Retardation of fatigue cracks in welded structures through laser shock peening
Itsuki Kawata
70 Development of methods for microtexture characterization and dwell fatigue life prediction of dual phase titanium alloys
Sören Keller
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
122 Retardation of fatigue cracks in welded structures through laser shock peening
Abdul Khadar Syed
Coventry University
111 Fatigue performance and cyclic deformation behaviour of titanium TI-6AL-4V additively manufactured by wire + ARC directed energy deposition
Muzibur Khan
National Research Council Canada
55 Probability of detection of automated tap testing for disbond detection in metallic honeycomb structures
Stephen King
Cranfield Univerity
128 Machine learning requirements for the airworthiness of structural health monitoring systems in aircraft
Yuta Kitamura
70 Development of methods for microtexture characterization and dwell fatigue life prediction of dual phase titanium alloys
Dmitrii Klishch
National Research Council Canada
55 Probability of detection of automated tap testing for disbond detection in metallic honeycomb structures
Benjamin Klusemann
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
122 Retardation of fatigue cracks in welded structures through laser shock peening
Philip Knoth
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
Matthew Kokaly
65 Enhanced technology repair for corrosion and fatigue damage in hybrid aerostructure
Ingrid Kongshavn
123 Measuring small fatigue crack growth with the aid of marker bands in recrystallized annealed TI6AL4V
Tuomas Korteniemi
Patria Aviation Oy
48 The development of national MRO capability for a basic trainer aircraft: flight and ground tests
Ajay Koshti
12 NASA NDE fracture critical detectable flaw sizes history and methodology
Keijo Koski
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
95 VIBFAT – Vibration-Induced Fatigue life estimation of the Vertical Tail of the F/A-18 aircraft using virtual sensing
90 QF marker research
Iddo Kressel
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
Milan Krkoska
142 On the mechanism of cyclic crack propagation in AA2024 T3 alloy.
Matthew Krug
US Air Force Research Laboratory
106 Fatigue performance and DADT certification of powder-bed additively-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: defect assessments, EIDS distributions, and inspection limits
Mike Kulak
Diakon Solutions
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
101 Characterization of MSD in emerging metallic structures in fuselage lap joints
Ilona Kunzler
Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
31 Stacking sequence effect on the fatigue behavior of single lap shear bonded joints
Bradley Kuramoto
38 The inherent need for holistic structural integrity application and progress

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