
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Author Manuscripts
Kotresh Gaddikeri
National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India
143 Testing of a cocured compsite frame panel by the applications of vacuum as an alternate to frame bending test
Sarah Galyon Dorman
136 Evaluation of cold spray for aircraft repair
Beth Gamble
11 Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis using adaptive multiple importance sampling
Qi Gang
National Research Council Canada
126 Virtual testing of low-velocity impact response of a composite laminate – from analytical to high-fidelity modeling
Marc Genest
National Research Council Canada
55 Probability of detection of automated tap testing for disbond detection in metallic honeycomb structures
Sara Ghiasvand
Politecnico di Milano
140 Meso-scale models to analyse the interactions of damage modes in composites laminates
Marco Giglio
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica
114 Assessment on fatigue behavior of AL7475 T7351 subjected to natural corrosion, accelerated corrosion and artificial damages
Patrick Golden
US Air Force Research Laboratory
106 Fatigue performance and DADT certification of powder-bed additively-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: defect assessments, EIDS distributions, and inspection limits
Guilherme Gomes
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
53 Multi-objective sensor placement optimization in helicopter main rotor blade considering the number of sensors and mode shape interpolation
Javier Gomez-Escalonilla
Airbus Defence and Space
58 A holistic digital twin for service life extension programs
Jiadong Gong
QuesTek Innovations LLC
33 Using digital twins to accelerate qualification and certification of fatigue critical components
Francis Mariana Gonzalez Ramirez
Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH
31 Stacking sequence effect on the fatigue behavior of single lap shear bonded joints
Jorge Gonzalez Rubio
49 Application of continuum damage mechanics for in-service real fatigue cracking scenarios
Ben Griffiths
Select Engineering Services
110 Tools and methods for landing gear fatigue analysis with surface treatment effects
Isaac Grothe
Southwest Research Institute
15 Utilizing condemnations, retirements and mods to improve the structural risk analysis of the T-38: turning trash into treasure
Michel Guillaume
121 Practical application of structural risk assessment with SMART|DT
Delon Guo
AVIC Manufacturing Technology Institute
27 Influence of microstructure on small crack growth behaviour of maraging steel weld
Allan Gustavsson
Saab AB
50 Fatigue and damage tolerance testing of Grippen e/f rudder
Javier Gómez-Escalonilla Martin
49 Application of continuum damage mechanics for in-service real fatigue cracking scenarios

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