
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Author Manuscripts
Giuseppe Sala
Politecnico di Milano
140 Meso-scale models to analyse the interactions of damage modes in composites laminates
Fernando Sanchez
Airbus Defence and Space
58 A holistic digital twin for service life extension programs
Alain Santgerma
52 A new approach to accidental damage on aircraft metallic structure
Hayao Sato
84 Consideration of life prediction model for ceramic matrix composite(CMC) with cooling hole
Francesco Sausto
GE Avio
133 Fracture mechanics-based approach for anomaly size acceptability of additively manufactured metals
Mikko Savolainen
95 VIBFAT – Vibration-Induced Fatigue life estimation of the Vertical Tail of the F/A-18 aircraft using virtual sensing
Michael J. Scott
RMIT University
116 A prognostics and health management approach for aircraft control surface free-play
Hazen Sedgwick
134 A-10 implementing prognostics with the digital thread
Peyman Shabani
University of Carleton
126 Virtual testing of low-velocity impact response of a composite laminate – from analytical to high-fidelity modeling
Noam Shemesh
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
Gregory Shoales
Center for Aircraft Structural Life Extension (CAStLE)
136 Evaluation of cold spray for aircraft repair
Aslak Siljander
Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
90 QF marker research
48 The development of national MRO capability for a basic trainer aircraft: flight and ground tests
Walt Sippel
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
101 Characterization of MSD in emerging metallic structures in fuselage lap joints
Zbigniew Skorupka
Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation
16 Review of aircraft landing gear tests as part of structural testing
Martin Skote
Cranfield University
128 Machine learning requirements for the airworthiness of structural health monitoring systems in aircraft
Luciano Smith
Southwest Research Institute
134 A-10 implementing prognostics with the digital thread
Brian Smyers
96 Design and experimental validation of a MDAF bonded structure fail safe damage arrest concept
James Sobotka
Southwest Research Institute
37 Past, present, and future stress intensity factor solutions for crack at holes
Larissa Sorensen
123 Measuring small fatigue crack growth with the aid of marker bands in recrystallized annealed TI6AL4V
TJ Spradlin
29 The engineered residual stress implementation (ERSI) working group
Marcus Stanfield
Southwest Research Institute
15 Utilizing condemnations, retirements and mods to improve the structural risk analysis of the T-38: turning trash into treasure
Dave Stanley
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
Kevin Stonaker
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
101 Characterization of MSD in emerging metallic structures in fuselage lap joints
Shaopu Su
Aircraft Atrength Research Institute
86 Low-cycle fatigue property and life prediction model of TC18 titanium alloy material
Sunao Sugimoto
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
130 Optimal design and static load testing of tow-steered aircraft fuselage frames
Uceu Fuad Hasan Suhuddin
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
122 Retardation of fatigue cracks in welded structures through laser shock peening
Michael Suits
12 NASA NDE fracture critical detectable flaw sizes history and methodology
Qixing Sun
Chinese Aeronautical Establishment
87 High strength and ductility across size scales: 3D printed metal materials with microscale heterostructure
Shinya Suzukake
112 Fatigue fracture mechanics of selective laser PBF titanium alloy
Hiroharu Suzuki
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd
130 Optimal design and static load testing of tow-steered aircraft fuselage frames

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