
ICAF 2023
Delft, The Netherlands, 2023
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Authors Index

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Author Manuscripts
Martin Raming
Southwest Research Institute
134 A-10 implementing prognostics with the digital thread
Giuseppe Ratti
Leonardo Helicopter Division
114 Assessment on fatigue behavior of AL7475 T7351 subjected to natural corrosion, accelerated corrosion and artificial damages
Justin Rausch
136 Evaluation of cold spray for aircraft repair
Manuel J Rebollo
Airbus Defence and Space
58 A holistic digital twin for service life extension programs
Jiazhi Ren
138 Opmimization of hybrid composite-metal joints
Guillaume Renaud
24 Development and demonstration of damage tolerance airframe digital twin methods and tools
25 Probabilistic lifing of a second oversize hole modification
Mathias Renner
113 Crack bridging effect in hybrid reinforced fuselage structure
Jude Restis
65 Enhanced technology repair for corrosion and fatigue damage in hybrid aerostructure
Michael Reyer
Aerospace Engineer, Safety Risk Management Section, AIR-633
11 Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis using adaptive multiple importance sampling
Wagner Rissardo
Embraer S.A.
115 On the development of statistical knock-down factors for WFD assessment
Ismael Rivero Arevalo
49 Application of continuum damage mechanics for in-service real fatigue cracking scenarios
Marcelo Rodrigues
45 Test and analysis of fuselage structure to assess Emerging Metallic Structures Technologies
John Rogers
National Research Council Canada
120 Bell 525 Vertical Fin / Aft Fuselage and Tailboom Composite/Metallic Hybrid Certification Fatigue Testing
Simone Romano
GE Avio
133 Fracture mechanics-based approach for anomaly size acceptability of additively manufactured metals
Rodrigo Ruiz Santos
49 Application of continuum damage mechanics for in-service real fatigue cracking scenarios

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